Friday, 30 March 2012

Agar Agar China Grass Pudding

Agar Agar China Grass Pudding
½ litres of Milk
6 grms of Agar Agar China Grass strips
6 tbsp. Sugar
Flavouring & colour of your choice

Method of preparation:

  1. 1.     Soak Agar Agar China Grass Strips in sufficient quantity of water for 10 minutes and drain it.
  2. 2.     Boil milk and add soaked Agar Agar into it.
  3. 3.     Let it boil with continued stirring till Agar Agar dissolves completely.
  4. 4.     Add sugar, colour and flavour to taste.
  5. 5.     Pour the contents into a dish or mould and allow to set at room temperature.
  6. 6.     Best served after cooling.

    I have used Strawberry Syrup for colour & flavour:

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