Sunday, 6 September 2009

Hammour Fish Fillet with Sour Cream & Garlic Sauce

500 grms. Hammour Fish Fillet (Any other fish works good)
1 Lemon Juice
1 tbls. Apple Cider Vinegar
2 tbls. Milk
6 Cloves of Garlic grated
½ bunch of Parsley (Discard the stem)
½ Cup of Sour Cream
½ Cup of Water
½ tsp. Cumin & Coriander Powder (each)
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Method of Preparation:
For Marinating – Cut the Fillet to desired size and shape. In a deep bowl, combine 2 cloves of grated garlic, 1 tbls. of Apple Cider Vinegar, ½ Lemon juice, Pepper, Salt, Cumin & Coriander Powder. Add milk just before you combine the fillet to the mixture. Set it aside for 30 minutes.

To prepare the sauce, combine sour cream, Water, Salt, pepper, Half of chopped Parsley and remaining grated garlic in a deep pot. Boil it over low flame.

Heat a non stick pan, sprinkle some salt (little) then cook the fillet on it. Don’t add any oil and don’t burn it. Once you finish cooking the fish, shift the fish from the pan to the sauce pot, continue the boil it for 10 minutes or until the sauce thickens to the desired consistency. Check for salt. Garnish with Parsley and serve hot.

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